What Are You Reading-Wednesday

WhatAreYouReadingWedweißI’m currently reading Farm Fresh by Posy Roberts.
It’s not what I usually read, but I liked what I read by this author before, the blurb sounded interesting and I do want to read something to challenge myself once in a while, so I pre-ordered this one.. And then it sat there on my kindle, waiting to finally be read. 28432092At first that was because there were so many other good books coming out at the same time and then I wasn’t so sure if the book really was for me.
Yeah I know, first I’m like I want to challenge myself and then I start to doubt my decision. =/ But yesterday I thought “Why not?”. I had just finished The Altered by Annabelle Jacobs and was in the mood for something completely different, so I started Farm Fresh. I figured from shifters to a sex commune is something completely different. 😉

I think it was the right time to read this one.
It’s my first book featuring a sex commune but I really enjoy it. It’s quite interesting and the relationships between each of the characters are fascinating. It took only a few pages to get into the story and I enjoy finding out more about all of the characters.
While I could never live in a commune like Kaleidoscope Garden myself, I do see the appeal it has for the characters and I find the dynamics of the different relationships really captivating.


Jude Garrity visits the farmers market every Saturday. As an environmental engineering student, he’s curious about living off the grid and sustainable agriculture.

And one particular farmer.

Hudson Oliva has worked hard to support his commune, where queer people live without fear of harm or retribution. When Jude asks pointed questions about living there, Hudson realizes he needs to be honest about his home. Few people know what the farm is actually about, but Jude is insistent.

Jude moves to Kaleidoscope Gardens, however his sexual hang-ups make it hard to adjust. He’s an uptight virgin living among people who have sex freely and with multiple partners. When Jude finally loosens up, Hudson is flooded with emotions. Falling for Jude wasn’t part of Hudson’s life plan. But when vindictive rumors about the commune begin to spread, love might be all he has left.

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Genre: Contemporary Self Published Tag: Part of a series What are you reading - Wednesday

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